Bullying / Counseling

Be in the Know About Bullying

Simply put, bullying is a pattern of unwelcome or aggressive behaviour, often with the goal of making others uncomfortable, scared or hurt. It’s almost always used as a way of having control or power over their target, and it is often based on another person’s appearance, culture, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity (from erasebullying.ca). Use the following link to learn more about the four types of bullying, the risk factors, and effects.


Also visit the Langley School District website for information on bullying.

Information & Communications Tools

Harassment and Discrimination Policy

The Board of Education has recently approved a newly updated policy that strives to protect students from harassment and discrimination. With its introduction, school communities have an opportunity to educate students about inclusion and respect for all individuals. In keeping with building a positive school culture and climate, this policy provides a framework for fostering social responsibility in Langley Schools.

A portion of Policy No. 7200 reads:

Any communication or behaviour (which may include but is not limited to assault, bullying or harassment) that deliberately degrades, denigrates, labels, stereotypes, incites hatred, prejudice and discrimination towards students on the basis of one’s real or perceived sexual or gender orientation, appearance, capacity, disability, ethnicity or religion, or for any other reason, will not be tolerated. This also includes making gestures, publishing or displaying anything that would indicate an intention to discriminate against an individual or group, or expose them to contempt or ridicule.

All members of the school community, including students, staff, parents/guardians, volunteers and trustees are expected to uphold this policy in the interest of student safety and well-being.

To view the full document text of School District #35 Board of Education Policy No.7200, please visit the Langley School District website policies and regulations page. If you have any questions or concerns please contact your school.