Your PAC members for 2024-2025

President – Rhianna May

Vice President – Hayli Dunn

Treasurer – Nikki Thompson

Secretary – Fatima Ali

DPAC Representative – Colette Walters

Member at Large – Kerry Savage

Member at Large – Angelina Bryant

Member at Large – Jessica Steele

If you have any questions for the PAC, please contact them at

Looking to keep up to date on PAC events and activities around the school?
Check out their new webpage:
Join the North Otter PAC group on Facebook!



PAC Meeting

Tuesday October 8, 2024
6:00-7:00pm in the North Otter Library


PAC Meeting Minutes


February 23, 2023

January 26, 2023

November 3, 2022

September 27, 2022


Breakfast Program

We are now set up for breakfast in the Multipurpose room in the mornings from 7:50 – 8:20.  If you wish to volunteer, please contact the PAC at


Hot Lunches are Back!!

Please order your hot lunches from Munchalunch.  You must order online.  We will be unable to accept any orders/payments left at the office.

Please note the deadlines for orders:

Upcoming dates:


*Please make sure that after you submit your child’s order that you also submit payment (otherwise it remains unpaid and will be removed once the order deadline has passed). Thank you! * 

Due to the amount of work/organization that goes into hot lunches, we are unable to accept any late orders. Thank you for understanding!

Link for new families to register


Link for existing families to login

Current Fundraisers





Ongoing Fundraisers:

Here are some ongoing fundraisers for the PAC:

  • We have a few passive income fundraisers on the go. Firstly we have a team with Flip Give. It’s a simple way to do online shopping for places like Esso, FreshCo, Starbucks, Tim Hortons, Lowe’s and many more while earning cashback for our school. We’ve had several parents join already and our team has already earned $300 for our school. Join Here  if promoted for a code:NKGBF2
  • Return it Depot express return. Simply bring a clear bag of mixed returnables to any Return it Depot. Head to the express kiosk enter our school’s phone number (604-856-3355) and place the sticker on the bag and you’re done.


If you’re looking for a way to help out this year, consider joining one of our committee’s. These committee’s meet 1-2 times a year virtually to focus on specific needs around our school. Need more info before diving in? Email with your questions. Ready to jump in?  Join Here

Volunteers needed for committees!

Tasks and time commitment vary for each committee, however we’re hoping to bring everyone together for some good causes (and maybe have a bit of fun along the way!).

To sign up: