School Cash Online
School Cash Online gives parents the convenient and secure option of paying for school items online, 24 hours per day. This includes things such as field trips, club fees, athletic fees, etc.
Visit School Cash Online and you will be guided through the registration process step-by-step or download/view the step-by-step guide.
Register Now
Donations through the Langley School District Foundation
Community members are welcome to make a tax-deductible donation to the Langley School District Foundation. Please click on the link below to learn how you can help.
Donate Now
Student Fees
In 2022, in consultation with our community, we have collected all your feedback regarding student supplies. From the parents that completed the survey, 79% preferred to either pay school fees and allow the school to purchase the supplies required for your child throughout the school year. Beginning in 2023, in an effort to free parents of the burden of shopping for school supplies and reduce the cost of those supplies, the school ordered all supplies for students using fees collected at the beginning of the year. We will continue to provide supplies in the year ahead, using a similar model.
Agenda | $6.00 |
Athletics Fee – Volleyball/Basketball | $25.00 |
Gr 7 Hoodies | $45.00 |
Student School Supplies | $50.00 |
Legislation and Student Fees
The School Act requires that instruction in an educational program be provided free of charge to every student of school age who is resident in British Columbia and enrolled in an educational program in a school operated by a District. It dictates that schools cannot charge fees for anything that is referred to as “educational resource material.” These are all materials and equipment necessary to meet the learning outcomes or assessment requirements of an educational program provided by the District.
The District may charge fees for goods and services, as defined under School Regulation 265/89. These goods and services are provided by the District in accordance with Ministry Orders and the School Act section 82(3).
Financial Hardship
The District is committed to ensuring that no student of school age will be denied an educational program due to financial hardship. Within the fiscal ability of each school and the District, no student is to be denied access to programs, events or field trips that are aligned to and enhance the BC curriculum.
Student fees are paid through SchoolCashOnline.
School Cash Online
Our school offers School Cash Online, which provides you with the convenience of paying online for school items such as trips, club/athletic fees, and spirit wear. We really want to save you time when paying for school expenses, so we can’t wait for you to take advantage of this opportunity. School Cash Online is a great way to pay without the need for cash or cheques!
Please follow the link below to register online (it takes less than 5 minutes!). Once you have registered your child, you will be able to see when they have a new item posted online for purchase. You also have the option to be notified whenever your child has a new school expense due, so you don’t have to worry about missing the deadline.
To set up an account and explore the system, please follow the instructions below.
Register Online:
- Step 1: Please click on this link:
- Step 2: Register by selecting the “Get Started Now” and following the steps.
- Step 3: After you receive the confirmation email, please select the “click here” option, login in and add each of your children to your household account. To do this, you will need your student’s last name, first name, and date of birth and pupil #
For safety and efficiency reasons, School District would like to reduce the amount of Cash & Cheques coming into our school. Please join the thousands of parents who have already registered and are enjoying the convenience of paying ONLINE! It takes less than 5 minutes to register. Please follow these step-by-step instructions, so you will begin to receive email notifications regarding upcoming events involving your child(ren).
NOTE: If you require assistance, select the GET HELP option in the top right hand corner of the screen.
Step 1: Register
- If you have not registered, please go to the School Cash Online home page
and select the “Get Started Today”
- Complete each of the three Registration Steps
*For Security Reasons your password, requires 8 characters,
one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and a number.
Step 2: Confirmation Email
A registration confirmation email will be forwarded to you. Click on the link provided inside the email to confirm your email and School Cash Online account.
The confirmation link will open the School Cash Online site prompting you to sign into your account. Use your email address and password just created with your account.
Step 3: Find Student
This step will connect your children to your account.
- Enter the School Board Name
- Enter the School Name
- Enter Your Child’s Name & Birth Date & Pupil #
- Select Continue
- On the next page confirm that you are related to the child, check in the Agree box and select Continue
- Your child has been added to your account
Step 4: View Items or Add Another Student
If you have more children, select “Add Another Student” option and repeat the steps above. 5 children can be added to one parent account.
If you do not wish to add additional children, select
“View Items For Students” option. A listing of available items for purchase will be displayed.
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